Introducing The Coach Circle

The circle by coaches with coaches for coaches

Does this sound familiar?

Coaching can be a lonely business

You're in client sessions all day and help others through the process of rediscovering their resources on their way to becoming their better selves. And then?

  • You are stuck in a client process.
  • You question yourself whether you gave your very best.
  • You want to know what alternatives are.
  • You are stuck in growing your client list.
  • You have all the tools but they don't convert.

So now what?

  • Who will you talk with about your own concerns, limitations, roadblocks, impediments?
  • Who will understand what your problems are?
  • Who will be best able to help you overcome your obstacles?
  • Who has most likely already been there and could help you gain a new perspective?

You know the answer:

Other coaches

Let us coaches apply our own best practices on ourselves

The Coach Circle is intended to be a circle of like-minded coaches that meet on a regular basis online to

  • Find like-minded coaches
  • Share who we are and what we care about
  • Share our concerns and roadblocks of any sort, may they be
    • related to a specific coaching process where we seek reflection with other qualified individuals
    • regarding our ability to go-to market and create or extend our client base
  • Share and discuss best practices for coaching and marketing
  • Just have some fun together, especially in these tough times

How it works

We will meet once bi-weekly in a Zoom Conference in a US and EMEA-friendly time-window. The agenda is proposed and is flexible to adapt to participants needs. As we move forward we will learn what works best and grow from there. If there is a desire to do so, the calls can be recorded for the benefit of those members who were unable to attend.

Agenda items include:

  • Personal introduction round for new members
  • Each member
    • To speak up laying out what works for her and what doesn't and asks the peer group one question to be answered / reflected upon
    • Each other member to speak up with a consideration, advice, reframing, or else
  • Close-out to reflect what was good, what should be changed for the next circle call

To ensure that every member has sufficient speaking time, we strictly time-box the question and answer times. Precise timings will be decided upon once the number of members has been fixed.

How to get in

We hand-select the participants to ensure that we do have a group of highly engaged individuals that are truly able to not only receive high value from these calls but also to provide high value.

For obvious reasons, the number of participants is limited to 10 (ten) per circle meeting. Depending on the total number of participants we have, multiple circles may exist. 

To sign-up for The Coach Circle, simply fill-in the form below and we will get in touch in due course.

Sign-up here

Fill in this form to apply for a seat on The Coach Circle. We will review and get back to you as soon as possible. Just make sure that you go right ahead, seats are very limited, so that we can keep the exceptional quality and outcomes that you expect.
